Trade Search Results

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The continuing education information displayed here may not be accurate due to reporting, entry, or web retrieval errors. It is a credential/license holder's responsibility to keep track of their continuing education credits.

Black=Approved. The credential/license is currently valid and is not ready for renewal.

Blue=Renewal Application Sent. A renewal application has been sent to the credential/license holder. This does not guarantee that the credential/license is currently valid.

Red=Expired or Other. The credential/license has expired, the application is pending or the record has been locked. The credential/license holder should contact the credential unit if they wish to reinstate the credential/license.

Click on credential/license name to display the actual courses recorded for this continuing education cycle.

Credential/License Type Expiration CE Hours Required to Renew CE Hours Accumulated CE Hours Still Needed CE Needed By
Plumbing Learner-Restricted Service 7/24/2000 0 0 0 4/24/2000
Journeyman Plumber-Restricted Service 3/31/2005 6 10 0 12/31/2004

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