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Individual Search Results - Detail
Credential/License Summary for 1102890
Profession: REGISTERED NURSE (30)
Credential/License Number: 1102890-30
Location: OMRO WI
Credential/License Type: regular
Status: License is current (Active)
Eligible To Practice: credential license is current
Credential/License current through: 2/28/2026
Granted date: 2/2/2023
Multi-state: Y
Orders: NONE
Specialties: NONE
Other Names:
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ATTENTION: If a renewal application including payment is received by the renew by date (or Credential/License current through date), the credential holder is eligible to practice while the credential renewal is being processed. The credential holder must respond to any requests for information during the renewal process. See Wis. Stat. ยง 227.51(2).